OpenPKG CVS Repository

  Server:                  Name:   Ralf S. Engelschall
  Root:   /e/openpkg/cvs                   Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Module: openpkg-src openpkg-web          Date:   09-Jun-2003 18:11:36
  Branch: HEAD                             Handle: 2003060917113401

  Added files:
    openpkg-src/cups        cups.patch cupsd.conf rc.cups
  Modified files:
    openpkg-src/cups        cups.spec
    openpkg-web             news.txt

    add missing files and move up to EVAL because required by EVAL package

    Revision    Changes     Path
    1.1         +28 -0      openpkg-src/cups/cups.patch
    1.2         +2  -2      openpkg-src/cups/cups.spec
    1.1         +142 -0     openpkg-src/cups/cupsd.conf
    1.1         +19 -0      openpkg-src/cups/rc.cups
    1.4783      +1  -0      openpkg-web/news.txt

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: openpkg-src/cups/cups.patch
  $ cvs diff -u -r0 -r1.1 cups.patch
  --- /dev/null 2003-06-09 18:11:36.000000000 +0200
  +++ cups.patch        2003-06-09 18:11:36.000000000 +0200
  @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
  +--- scheduler/main.c.orig    2003-05-01 19:58:28.000000000 +0200
  ++++ scheduler/main.c 2003-05-03 18:54:34.000000000 +0200
  +@@ -222,6 +222,25 @@
  +     chdir("/");
  ++   /*
  ++    * Write PID file
  ++    */
  ++#ifdef PID_FILE
  ++    {
  ++      mode_t old_umask;
  ++      pid_t  pid;
  ++      FILE   *fp;
  ++      old_umask = umask((mode_t) 0022);
  ++      pid = getpid();
  ++      if ((fp = fopen(PID_FILE, "w")) == NULL)
  ++        syslog(LOG_ERR, "cannot write PID file '%s'", PID_FILE);
  ++      fprintf(fp, "%ld\n", (long)pid);
  ++      fclose(fp);
  ++      umask(old_umask);
  ++    }
  + #ifndef DEBUG
  +    /*
  +     * Disable core dumps...
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: openpkg-src/cups/cups.spec
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2 cups.spec
  --- openpkg-src/cups/cups.spec        6 Jun 2003 09:22:24 -0000       1.1
  +++ openpkg-src/cups/cups.spec        9 Jun 2003 16:11:35 -0000       1.2
  @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
   Vendor:       Easy Software Products
   Packager:     The OpenPKG Project
  -Distribution: OpenPKG [JUNK]
  +Distribution: OpenPKG [EVAL]
   Group:        Print
   License:      GPL/LGPL with exceptions
   Version:      1.1.19
  -Release:      20030606
  +Release:      20030609
   #   package options
   %option       with_openssl   no
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: openpkg-src/cups/cupsd.conf
  $ cvs diff -u -r0 -r1.1 cupsd.conf
  --- /dev/null 2003-06-09 18:11:36.000000000 +0200
  +++ cupsd.conf        2003-06-09 18:11:36.000000000 +0200
  @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
  +##  @l_prefix@/etc/cups/cupsd.conf
  +#   Server identity
  +#ServerAdmin            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  +#   Server options
  +#   User/group setting when running external commands like filters
  +#User                   @l_musr@
  +#Group                  @l_mgrp@
  +#   Name of the user assigned to unauthenticated accesses from remote systems.
  +#RemoteRoot             remroot
  +LogLevel                info
  +#AccessLog              @l_prefix@/var/cups/log/access_log
  +#ErrorLog               @l_prefix@/var/cups/log/error_log
  +#PageLog                @l_prefix@/var/cups/log/page_log
  +#DataDir                @l_prefix@/share/cups
  +#DocumentRoot           @l_prefix@/share/doc/cups
  +#FontPath               @l_prefix@/share/cups/fonts
  +#RequestRoot            @l_prefix@/var/cups/spool
  +#ServerBin              @l_prefix@/libexec/cups
  +#ServerRoot             @l_prefix@/etc/cups
  +#TempDir                @l_prefix@/var/cups/spool/tmp
  +#   Automatic printcap generation - specify suitable file, e.g. /etc/printcap
  +#   or disable file generation by leaving blank.
  +#   Format of the printcap file, currently either BSD or Solaris.
  +PrintcapFormat          BSD
  +#DefaultCharset         utf-8
  +#DefaultLanguage        en
  +#MaxCopies              100
  +#MaxJobs                500
  +#RIPCache               8m
  +#PreserveJobHistory     Yes
  +#PreserveJobFiles       No
  +#AutoPurgeJobs          No
  +#   Network options
  +#HostNameLookups        On
  +#MaxClients             100
  +#MaxClientsPerHost      0
  +#MaxRequestSize         0
  +#KeepAlive              On
  +#KeepAliveTimeout       60
  +#Timeout                300
  +#   Browsing options
  +Browsing                On
  +BrowseProtocols         cups
  +BrowseShortNames        Yes
  +BrowseAddress           @LOCAL
  +BrowsePort              631
  +BrowseInterval          30
  +BrowseTimeout           300
  +BrowseOrder             allow,deny
  +BrowseAllow             All
  +BrowseDeny              None
  +ImplicitClasses         On
  +ImplicitAnyCLasses      Off
  +HideImplicitMembers     On
  +#   Security Options
  +#ServerCertificate      @l_prefix@/etc/cups/ssl/server.crt
  +#ServerKey              @l_prefix@/etc/cups/ssl/server.key
  +SystemGroup             @l_sgrp@
  +<Location />
  +    AuthType            None
  +    Order               Deny,Allow
  +    Deny                From All
  +    Allow               From
  +<Location /admin>
  +    AuthType            Basic
  +    AuthClass           System
  +    Encryption          IfRequested
  +    Order               Deny,Allow
  +    Deny                From All
  +    Allow               From
  +#<Location /classes>
  +#    You may wish to limit access to printers and classes, either with Allow
  +#    and Deny lines, or by requiring a username and password.
  +#<Location /classes/name>
  +#    You may wish to limit access to printers and classes, either with Allow
  +#    and Deny lines, or by requiring a username and password.
  +#<Location /jobs>
  +#    You may wish to limit access to job operations, either with Allow
  +#    and Deny lines, or by requiring a username and password.
  +#<Location /printers>
  +#    You may wish to limit access to printers and classes, either with Allow
  +#    and Deny lines, or by requiring a username and password.
  +#<Location /printers/name>
  +#    You may wish to limit access to printers and classes, either with Allow
  +#    and Deny lines, or by requiring a username and password.
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: openpkg-src/cups/rc.cups
  $ cvs diff -u -r0 -r1.1 rc.cups
  --- /dev/null 2003-06-09 18:11:36.000000000 +0200
  +++ rc.cups   2003-06-09 18:11:36.000000000 +0200
  @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@/lib/openpkg/bash @l_prefix@/etc/rc
  +##  rc.teapop -- Run-Commands for CUPS
  +    cups_enable="yes"
  +%start -p 200 -u @l_susr@
  +    opServiceEnabled cups || exit 0
  +    @l_prefix@/libexec/cups/cupsd
  +%stop -p 200 -u @l_susr@
  +    opServiceEnabled cups || exit 0
  +    if [ -f @l_prefix@/var/cups/ ]; then
  +        kill -TERM `cat @l_prefix@/var/cups/`
  +        rm -f @l_prefix@/var/cups/ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
  +    fi
  @@ .
  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: openpkg-web/news.txt
  $ cvs diff -u -r1.4782 -r1.4783 news.txt
  --- openpkg-web/news.txt      9 Jun 2003 15:57:15 -0000       1.4782
  +++ openpkg-web/news.txt      9 Jun 2003 16:11:34 -0000       1.4783
  @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
  +09-Jun-2003: Upgraded package: P<cups-1.1.19-20030609>
   09-Jun-2003: Upgraded package: P<openldap-2.1.21-20030609>
   09-Jun-2003: Upgraded package: P<proftpd-1.2.8-20030609>
   09-Jun-2003: Upgraded package: P<getopt-20030307-20030609>
  @@ .
The OpenPKG Project                          
CVS Repository Commit List                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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