On Mon, Jul 07, 2003, Thomas Lotterer wrote:

> We understand the issues associated with changed configurations, and we
> are currently fighting three battles to improve things:
> - daemon bind/listen address 
>   https://rt.openpkg.org/SelfService/Display.html?user=guest&pass=guest&id=176
>   the goal is to ensure that any daemon will bind/listen to by
>   default which greatly reduces the risk of running a daemon on a live
>   system which reverted back to default configuration. Currently (or at
>   least not long ago) it was possible to upgrade postfix, revert to the
>   default config and have such a stupid config running on a live system.
>   This must not happen.
> - opServiceEnabled
>   https://rt.openpkg.org/SelfService/Display.html?user=guest&pass=guest&id=174
>   https://rt.openpkg.org/SelfService/Display.html?user=guest&pass=guest&id=175
>   https://rt.openpkg.org/SelfService/Display.html?user=guest&pass=guest&id=184
>   the goal is to ensure that all rc.%{name} files acutally use the
>   opServiceEnabled function (#175), the return code and environmental
>   changes of any package does not influence other packages (#174,
>   currently the first exit breaks the rc chain) and the function is
>   enhanced to disable a service when a .*\.rpm(save|orig|new) file is
>   found under the package's /etc subdirectory (#184).
These issues have been consolidated under a meta-Ticket. For all CORE
and BASE packages we have resolved all of these issues, unified the
behaviour and tested it under run time. We are now ready for the next
release. Find a progress table at the bottom of the ticket under

> - rpmlint
>   is currently under construction and checks RPMs like speclint checks
>   spec files. One of the goals is to find config files which are not
>   tagged as those.
More work to do here.

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