Request 230 was acted upon.
This is a comment. It is not sent to the Requestor(s).

      Ticket: [OpenPKG #230]
     Subject: Script rc.ntp is likely flawed in section %hourly
  Requestors: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Queue: openpkg
       Owner: thl
      Status: open
 Transaction: Comments added by thl
        Time: Thu Aug 07 13:42:54 2003

On Thu, Aug 07, 2003, Thomas Lotterer wrote:
>     once      = run ntpdate once at startup                                          
>     daemon    = launch ntpd                                                          
>     monthly   = cron                                                                 
>     weekly    = cron                                                                 
>     daily     = cron                                                                 
>     hourly    = cron                                                                 
>     quarterly = cron                                                                 
> All modes will run ntpdate once at startup (before the daemon is                     
> launched). The less frequent cron options will satisfy dialup users.                 
done, see

Note: setting "once" allows explicit sync through
      every call to %start snippet, although %stop
      and %restart are useless and %status will
      never report active=yes in such case. It's
      kinda kick-it "once" ...

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