On Thu, Oct 02, 2003, Bill Campbell wrote:

> I spent several hours today getting the docbook-toys from SuSE 8.2 working
> with the OpenPKG Release 1.3 versions of docbook, openjade, and opensp, and
> in the process fixed a permissions problem with the ISO files in docbook,

I've looked at the permissions we had originally and the permissions
you now have and I cannot see what is wrong. Ok, you have some more
write permissions, but if this was the problem (that some process wants
to write to the files), allowing writing is not ok. At least all files
in our original package are readable for everyone which should be
sufficient. So, can you give me more details what exactly was broken?
Because I do not want to directly copy the permissions from the vendor
tarball (because it contains the extra write permissions).

> and enable http support in opensp and openjade allowing the docbook XML
> files to reference DTDs on remote systems.

Taken over now with the latest OpenPKG-CURRENT packages of "opensp"
and "openjade". Thanks for your contribution.

> The docbook-toys is a GPL'ed package providing a convenient front-end to
> openjade, programs like db2html, db2ps, db2pdf, etc. and hide many of the
> gory details of openjade, docbook, and friends.
> My initial testing seems to be working, producing html on a FreeBSD 4.8
> STABLE system comparable to that produced on SuSE 8.2 Professional.  One
> thing I just notice that is missing is a collateindex.pl script necessary
> when producing automatic indexes.
> I'm no DocBook, SGML, or XML expert by any means, but have been muddling my
> way with it for our in-house documentation for a couple of years.  Is there
> anybody who would be interested in looking at my modifications and doing
> some testing?  My SRPMS are available via anon ftp or rsync using ssh:
>       ftp.celestial.com:/private/SPRMS/docbook-4.2-20031002.src.rpm
>       ftp.celestial.com:/private/SPRMS/docbook-toys-1.51.0-20031002.src.rpm
>       ftp.celestial.com:/private/SPRMS/openjade-1.3.2-20031002.src.rpm
>       ftp.celestial.com:/private/SPRMS/opensp-1.5-20031002.src.rpm
> BTW:  The docbook-toys.spec file is ugly, since I haven't done anything
> beyond getting the basics to work.

I'm currently looking at the docbook-toys. But have you checked our
"xmlto" package? It is similar stuff...

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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