On Tue, Mar 23, 2004, Bill Campbell wrote:

> While working to get my courier-imap package running under release 2.0 with
> openpkg from the current tree, I ran into a problem where it failed in
> dependency checking looking for the %{l_prefix}/lib/openpkg/perl.req
> script.  Looking at the openpkg.spec file, this file is explicitly removed
> in the %install processing around line 784.  It's still referenced though
> in the %{l_prefix}/lib/openpkg/macros file.

Yes, because this file is from the original RPM and its content is
overriden by our %{l_prefix}/etc/openpkg/rpmmacros except for features
we do not use in OpenPKG. And you seem to not have "AutoPreReq: no" in
your .spec, so you are using a RPM feature which is intentionally not
used in OpenPKG.

My general suggestion is to _NEVER_ write an OpenPKG .spec file from
scratch for two reasons:

1. you usually finally want that it is taken over by us into the
   official repository, so it has to pass "openpkg-dev lint". And this
   linting tool you such restrictive that you certainly will not being
   able to fulfill its requirements by a from-scratch .spec file.

2. the chance is hight that you are using RPM features which are not
   intended to be used in OpenPKG. Or you forget a lot of features
   to use which are required in OpenPKG.

So, always use "openpkg-dev new" for generating a new .spec
from our template (yes, I know there is unfortunately still no
developer/contributor documentation for this) or start from one of the
existing 700 .spec files.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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