On Mon, Mar 29, 2004, Dennis McRitchie wrote:

> I modified tcpwrappers-7.6k to play nicely with other OpenPKG packages -
> such as ORBit - that link with libwrap.a, if present.
> The changes are as follows:
> 1) Steve Grubb changed the name of a number of external library definitions
> to avoid namespace collisions. E.g., by default his code defines
> tcpd_sock_host instead of sock_host, and tcpd_eval_client instead of
> eval_client. Since the ORBit package is looking for the traditional function
> names, it fails to link with Grubb's default libwrap.a. So I added an option
> to the spec file called "with_private_namespace", which defaults to "no" so
> that the traditional lib defs are created by default. Setting the option to
> "yes" creates the new private definitions. This change also required a
> change to the patch file because Steve had apparently forgotten to include
> "sock_host" in the list of methods that need to be optionally publicized.
> 2) Matthias Kurz's patch to run under Solaris changed the name of the local
> my_setenv() function to setenv(). The ORBit package objects to this because
> it does not want to link with a tcpwrappers that has setenv() built in. (I'm
> not sure why this is since Solaris by default does not have a setenv()
> function, which is why tcpwrappers conditionally includes one.) However, the
> way to make ORBit happy is to leave my_setenv() alone and to conditionally
> redefine the call to setenv() in options.c to be a call to my_setenv() on
> systems that need the local definition of this function. That way any other
> external packages that are fussy about this will not complain. These changes
> are also present in this package.

I've taken over your changes into tcpwrappers-7.6k-20040401.
Thanks for your contribution.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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