OpenPKG Version Tracking Report

 Reporting Time:    2004-07-09 06:50
 Tracking Duration: 0:26:54 (H:M:S)
 Tracking Input:    1151 sources (763 packages)
 Tracking Result:   1076 up-to-date, 20 out-dated, 55 error

 The following 20 sources were determined to be out-dated because newer
 vendor versions were found. Upgrade the corresponding OpenPKG packages.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               New Version              
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 distcc                    2.15                      2.16
 dnstracer                 1.7                       1.8
 ethereal                  0.10.4                    0.10.5
 gc                        6.2                       6.3
 geoip                     1.3.4                     1.3.5                 [1]
 kde-base                  3.1.4                     3.2.3
 kde-libs                  3.2.1                     3.2.3
 libxslt                   1.1.7                     1.1.8                 [2]
 mozilla                   1.7                       1.7.1
 mozilla-mplayer           1.2                       2.66
 nmap                      3.50                      3.55
 orbit2                    2.10.3                    2.11.1
 pdflib                    6.0.0                     6.0.0p1
 perforce                  r04.1                     r04.2
 perl-locale:gettext       1.01                      1.02
 perl-sys:Archive-Zip      1_11                      1.12
 qdbm                      1.8.12                    1.8.13
 squid                     2.5.STABLE5               2.5.STABLE6
 uvscan:datfiles           4374                      4375
 xine-ui                   0.99.1                    0.99.2
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] geoip: rse: 1.3.5: undefined reference to `gethostbyname_r'
 [2] libxslt: rse: 1.1.8: multiple build problems related to exslt library

 The following 55 sources could not be successfully checked because
 an error occurred while processing. Keep at least an eye on them.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               Error                    
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 abiword                   2.1.3                     regex didn't match (pro..
 amavisd                   20040701-                 regex didn't match (pro..
 bind:DLZ                  0.7.0                     regex didn't match (pro..
 clamav                    0.74                      regex didn't match (pro..
 cvs                       1.12.9                    regex didn't match (p [1]
 cvstrac                   1.1.3                     regex didn't match (pro..
 firefox                   0.9.1                     2nd connection failed o..
 gconf                     2.6.1                     2nd connection failed o..
 gentle                    97                        regex didn't match (pro..
 ghostscript-esp           7.07.1                    regex didn't match (pro..
 glimpse                   4.17.4                    latest version online [2]
 icewm                     1.2.14                    regex didn't match (pro..
 infozip:unzip             551                       connection failed or ti..
 infozip:zip               23                        connection failed or ti..
 kde-qt                    3.2.3                     connection failed or ti..
 keychain                  2.3.1                     latest version online l..
 less                      382                       latest version online l..
 libart                    2.3.16                    2nd connection failed o..
 mathomatic                11.2e                     regex didn't match (pro..
 max                       7.4.2                     regex didn't match (p [3]
 mirror                    2.9                       connection failed or ti..
 nagios                    1.2                       regex didn't match (pro..
 nagios::plugins           1.3.1                     regex didn't match (pro..
 newsyslog                 1.1                       connection failed or ti..
 newt                      0.51.6-2.1.1              connection failed or ti..
 nspr                      4.4.1                     1st connection failed o..
 ocaml                     3.07pl2                   regex didn't match (pro..
 openpkg:tar               1.14                      latest version online l..
 patch:alpha               2.5.9                     connection failed or ti..
 pax                       2004-02-29                regex didn't match (pro..
 perl-poe:POE              0.2802                    latest version online l..
 pgp                       6.5.8                     connection failed or ti..
 pgp2                      263                       connection failed or ti..
 poweradmin                1.2.7                     regex didn't match (pro..
 psutils                   p17                       connection failed or ti..
 python                    2.3.4                     2nd connection failed o..
 qt                        3.3.2                     connection failed or ti..
 ripe-asused:netwhois      1.19                      regex didn't match (pro..
 ripe-ipadm                0.6.24                    connection failed or ti..
 shtool                    2.0.0                     latest version online l..
 skey                      1.1.5                     regex didn't match (pro..
 smtpfeed                  1.18                      connection failed or  [4]
 top                       3.5beta12.10              regex didn't match (pro..
 tripwire                  2.3.1-2                   regex didn't match (pro..
 unarj                     2.65                      latest version online l..
 unarj:patch               2.65-1                    latest version online l..
 vcheck                    1.2.1                     regex didn't match (p [5]
 vim:patchlevel            6.3.11                    latest version online l..
 vorbis-libs:libao         0.8.5                     regex didn't match (pro..
 webmin                    1.150                     connection failed or ti..
 whois                     4.6.16                    regex didn't match (pro..
 xalan                     2_5_1                     regex didn't match (pro..
 xalan-c                   1_6                       regex didn't match (pro..
 yodl                      1.31.18                   connection failed or ti..
 zoo                       2.10pl1                   regex didn't match (pro..
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] cvs: uses https:// URL now which is not supported by vcheck
 [2] glimpse: rse: website still does not show latest version
 [3] max: rse: distribution no longer available on the net
 [4] smtpfeed: thl: master site down and only known mirror is netsw!
 [5] vcheck: rse: webserver currently broken

 The remaining 1076 sources were successfully determined to be still
 up to date. No action is required on your part. Just be happy ;)

                              OpenPKG Version Tracker
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OpenPKG Project                          
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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