I was looking at the OS requirements for OpenPKG at
http://cvs.openpkg.org/getfile?f=openpkg-re/osprereq.txt and noticed
that Solaris9 stated it needed SUNWCall.  We have OpenPKG fully
functional with the following install:

install_type    initial_install
system_type     standalone
partitioning    explicit
cluster         SUNWCprog
package         SUNWsshcu delete
package         SUNWsshdr delete
package         SUNWsshdu delete
package         SUNWsshr delete
package         SUNWsshu delete
package         SUNWntpr delete
package         SUNWntpu delete
package         SUNWpsr delete
package         SUNWpsu delete
package         SUNWpcr delete
package         SUNWpcu delete
package         SUNWscplp delete
package         SUNWtcsh add
package         SUNWzsh add
package         SUNWypr add
package         SUNWypu add

As reflected from a jumpstart install file.  Just thought I'd share so
the os requirements section could be updated.

David M. Fetter - UNIX Systems Administrator
Portland State University - www.oit.pdx.edu
"Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible."

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