On Sat, May 07, 2005, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

> On Sat, May 07, 2005, David J. Bruce wrote:
> > >There are already a bunch of packages which add -lrt to the LIBS
> > >under Solaris 10, so although I personally do not like this
> > >platform-specifics, it it ok to do also for SASL. Actually, exactly this
> > >was already done in the OpenPKG-CURRENT "sasl" package a few weeks ago.
> > >So, just use the OpenPKG-CURRENT "sasl" in the meantime. Or wait a few
> > >hours, I'll MFC this back to OpenPKG 2.3, too.
> >
> > Ah, I haven't yet set up a CURRENT instance and had not thought to
> > check. I'm not surprised that you've already dealt with this annoyance.
> > Thanks for the backport for me.
> > [...]
> You don't need a CURRENT instance for those situations. In case
> something is already fixed in CURRENT but still not MFC'ed to the
> RELEASE/SOLID, in 99% of all cases you can just use the CURRENT package
> with your RELEASE/SOLID instance without problems. This is especially
> the case for CURRENT and the latest RELEASE/SOLID as there is a
> time/feature gap of maximum 4 months. For mixing CURRENT and older
> RELEASEs it can be different as dependencies could have changed, etc.

Btw, on cvs.openpkg.org you can always find the packaging
timeline of a particular package <name> with the URL:
http://cvs.openpkg.org/rlog?f=openpkg-src/<name>/<name>.spec In this
case, under http://cvs.openpkg.org/rlog?f=openpkg-src/sasl/sasl.spec you
can find the whole history timeline of the "sasl" package.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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