The following OpenPKG Contribution Area operation occurred.
uploaded RPM specfile "openser.spec" accepted -- moved to contrib area.
No action is required on your part.

Information about openser.spec follows:
| # openser.spec for openpkg
| #   package version
| %define       V_full         0.9.5
| %define       V_comp         %nil
| #   package information
| Name:         openser
| Summary:      OpenSIP Express Router, very fast and flexible SIP Proxy
| URL:
| Vendor:
| Packager:     Michele Favara Pedarsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Class:        PLUS
| Group:        VOIP
| License:      GPL
| Version:      0.9.5
| Release:      2.4.0
| #   package options
| %option       with_mysql       no
| %option       with_postgress   no
| %option       with_jabber      no
| %option       with_cpl         no
| #%option      with_radius      no
| %option       with_pa          no
| #   list of sources
| Source0:{name}-%{version}_src.tar.gz
| Source1:      rc.openser
| #   build information
| Prefix:       %{l_prefix}
| BuildRoot:    %{l_buildroot}
| Conflicts:    openser < %{version}
| BuildPreReq:  OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.4.0, make >= 3.79,  gcc >= 3.4.4, flex, 
| PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.4.0
| %if "%{with_mysql}" == "yes"
| BuildPreReq: zlib, mysql
| PreReq: mysql
| %endif
| %if "%{with_jabber}" == "yes"   
| BuildPreReq:  expat
| PreReq:       expat
| %endif
| AutoReq:      no   
| AutoReqProv:  no
| Provides:     openser = %{version}-%{release}
| %description
| OpenSER or Open SIP Express Router is a very fast and flexible SIP (RFC3621)
| proxy server. Written entirely in C, openser can handle thousands calls
| per second even on low-budget hardware. A C Shell like scripting language
| provides full control over the server's behaviour. It's modular
| architecture allows only required functionality to be loaded.
| Currently the following modules are available: digest authentication,
| CPL scripts, instant messaging, MySQL support, a presence agent, radius
| authentication, record routing, an SMS gateway, a jabber gateway, a 
| transaction module, registrar and user location.
| MYSQL OPTION. The openser-mysql package contains MySQL database connectivity 
that you
| need to use digest authentication module or persistent user location
| entries.
| JABBER OPTION. The openser-jabber package contains a sip to jabber message 
| CPL OPTION. The openser-cpl package contains a SIP CPL interpreter engine.
| #RADIUS OPTION. The openser-radius package contains modules for radius 
authentication, group
| # membership and uri checking.
| %track
|       prog openser = {
|               version   = %{version}
|               url       ={version}/src/
|               regex     = openser-(__VER__)_src\.tar\.gz
|       }
| # some defines needed for options
| %define EXCLUDED_MODULES      mysql jabber cpl-c avp_radius auth_radius 
group_radius uri_radius postgress pa
| %define MYSQL_MODULES         mysql
| %define JABBER_MODULES                jabber
| %define CPL_MODULES                   cpl-c
| %define RADIUS_MODULES                avp_radius auth_radius group_radius 
| %define RADIUS_MOD_PATH               modules/avp_radius modules/auth_radius 
modules/group_radius modules/uri_radius
| %prep
|       %setup -q
| %build
|       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} all skip_modules="%EXCLUDED_MODULES"      
|       %if "%{with_mysql}" == "yes"
|               %{l_make} %{l_mflags} modules modules="modules/%MYSQL_MODULES"  
|       %endif
|       %if "%{with_jabber}" == "yes"
|               %{l_make} %{l_mflags} modules modules="modules/%JABBER_MODULES" 
|       %endif
|       %if "%{with_cpl}" == "yes"
|               %{l_make} %{l_mflags} modules modules="modules/%CPL_MODULES"    
|       %endif
| #     %if "%{with_radius}" == "yes"
| #             %{l_make} %{l_mflags} modules modules="%RADIUS_MOD_PATH"        
| #     %endif
| %install
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
| %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
| %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install skip_modules="%EXCLUDED_MODULES" \
|               basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|               prefix=%{_prefix} \
|               cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix} \
|               cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %if "%{with_mysql}" == "yes"
|       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-modules modules="modules/%MYSQL_MODULES" \
|               basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|               prefix=%{_prefix} \
|               cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOTT%{l_prefix} \
|               cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %endif
| %if "%{with_jabber}" == "yes"
|       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-modules modules="modules/%JABBER_MODULES" 
|               basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|               prefix=%{_prefix} \
|               cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOTT%{l_prefix} \
|               cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %endif
| %if "%{with_jabber}" == "yes"
|       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-doc modules="modules/%JABBER_MODULES" \
|               basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|               prefix=%{_prefix} \
|               cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix} \
|               cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %endif
| %if "%{with_cpl}" == "yes"
|       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-modules modules="modules/%CPL_MODULES" \
|               basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|               prefix=%{_prefix} \
|               cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix} \
|               cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %endif
| %if "%{with_cpl}" == "yes"
|       %{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-doc modules="modules/%CPL_MODULES" \
|               basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
|               prefix=%{_prefix} \
|               cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix} \
|               cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %endif
| #%{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-modules modules="%RADIUS_MOD_PATH" \
| #             basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
| #             prefix=%{_prefix} \
| #             cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix} \
| #             cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| #%{l_make} %{l_mflags} install-doc modules="%RADIUS_MOD_PATH" \
| #             basedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT \
| #             prefix=%{_prefix} \
| #             cfg-prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix} \
| #             cfg-target=%{_sysconfdir}/openser/ 
| %{l_shtool} mkdir -f -p -m 755 \
|       $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/var/openser
| %{l_shtool} mkdir -f -p -m 755 \
|       $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/etc/rc.d
| %{l_shtool} install -c -m 755 %{l_value -s -a} \
|       %{SOURCE rc.openser} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{l_prefix}/etc/rc.d/
| %{l_rpmtool} files -v -ofiles -r$RPM_BUILD_ROOT %{l_files_std}
| %files -f files
| %clean
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
| %post
| echo "Package OpenSER installed, BUT: use at your own risk, I'm not 
| %preun
| #if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
| # TODO: stop service
| # TODO: remove from rc.local
| #fi
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