OpenPKG Version Tracking Report

 Reporting Time:    2005-12-28 19:33
 Tracking Duration: 0:54:37 (H:M:S)
 Tracking Input:    1742 sources (916 packages)
 Tracking Result:   1658 up-to-date, 46 out-dated, 38 error

 The following 46 sources were determined to be out-dated because newer
 vendor versions were found. Upgrade the corresponding OpenPKG packages.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               New Version              
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 apache2                   2.0.55                    2.2.0
 aqbanking                 1.6.1                     1.6.2
 aqbanking:gwenhywfar      1.19.1                    1.99.2
 aqmoney:ktoblzcheck       1.8                       1.9
 boost                     1_33_0                    1_33_1
 cfengine                  2.1.17                    2.1.18
 dhtml:scriptaculous       1.5.0                     1.5.1
 ethereal                  0.10.13                   0.10.14
 gaim                      1.5.0                     2.0.0beta1
 gdb                       6.3                       6.4
 gimp                      2.2.9                     2.2.10
 gtkmm                     2.8.1                     2.8.2
 imapd                     2.2.12                    2.3.1
 kde-arts                  1.4.2                     1.5.0                 [1]
 kde-base                  3.2.3                     3.4.3                 [2]
 kde-libs                  3.4.2                     3.4.3                 [3]
 libextractor              0.5.7                     0.5.9
 mesa:MesaDemos            6.2.1                     6.4.1
 mesa:MesaLib              6.2.1                     6.4.1
 mldonkey                  2.6.6                     2.7.1                 [4]
 mozilla-mplayer           3.15                      3.17
 multitail                 3.6.1                     3.8.0
 netpbm                    10.26.21                  10.26.22
 papyrus                   1.4.4                     1.5.0
 pearpc                    0.3.1                     0.4
 perl-dbix:DBIx-SearchBuil 1.33                      1.36                  [5]
 perl-ds:Graph-Easy        0.36                      0.37
 perl-net:Net-Pcap         0.10                      0.11
 perl-ssl:Net-SSLeay       1.25                      1.30
 perl-text:String-Format   1.13                      1.14
 perl-www:WWW-Search       2.481                     2.484
 perl-xml:HTML-Prototype   1.36                      1.37
 popt                      1.10.2                    1.10.4                [6]
 qt4                       4.0.1                     4.1.0
 re2c                      0.9.11                    0.9.12
 rekall                    2.2.4-2                   2.2.6                 [7]
 samba                     3.0.20b                   3.0.21
 sav:vendor                400                       401                   [8]
 scponly                   4.2                       4.3
 taskjuggler               2.1.1                     2.2.0
 wine                      0.9.3                     0.9.4
 xalan-c                   1_6                       1_10_0
 xemacs                    21.4.17                   21.4.18
 xemacs:sumo               2005-07-15                2005-12-08
 xine-ui                   0.99.3                    0.99.4
 xorg                      6.8.2                     7.0
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] kde-arts: thl/1.4.3: configure Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) 
not found, although qt-3.3.5 installed
 [2] kde-base: thl/3.4.3: requires kde-arts which is currently broken
 [3] kde-libs: thl/3.4.2: requires kde-arts which is currently broken
 [4] mldonkey: thl/2.7.0: Unbound module Printf2
 [5] perl-dbix:DBIx-SearchBuilder: thl/1.35 build broken, tries to download 
modules from CPAN
 [6] popt: rse: 1.10.3 has lots of files missing (depcomp,, ltmain, 
 [7] rekall: thl/2.2.6: requires kde-config
 [8] sav:vendor: thl: maintenance instructions see spec

 The following 38 sources could not be successfully checked because
 an error occurred while processing. Keep at least an eye on them.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               Error                    
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 acroread:linux            5010                      connection failed or ti..
 acroread:solaris          5010                      connection failed or ti..
 apache:mod_security       1.8.7                     regex didn't match (pro..
 apachetop                 0.12.5                    regex didn't match (pro..
 chkrootkit                0.46                      connection failed or ti..
 cvsd                      1.0.8                     regex didn't match (pro..
 db:patch                  4.3.28                    regex didn't match (p [1]
 enscript                  1.6.3                     regex didn't match (p [2]
 epm                       3.7                       2nd connection failed [3]
 fetchmail                 6.3.1                     regex didn't match (pro..
 figlet                    222                       connection failed or ti..
 gale                      0.99fruit                 latest version online [4]
 glimpse                   4.18.1p                   latest version online [5]
 gmime                     2.1.17                    2nd regex didn't match ..
 gnutls                    1.3.1                     latest version online l..
 ircd                      2.11.1p1                  connection failed or ti..
 j2ee                      8_1_02_2005Q2             latest version online l..
 j2se14                    1.4.2_10                  1st regex didn't match ..
 latex2html                2002-2-1                  regex didn't match (pro..
 magicpoint                1.11a                     connection failed or ti..
 mgv                       3.1.5                     regex didn't match (p [6]
 mplayer:extension_live    2005.10.05                regex didn't match (pro..
 mplayer:skin_blue         1.4                       connection failed or ti..
 myodbc                    3.51.11                   regex didn't match (pro..
 netcat                    110                       regex didn't match (pro..
 noweb                     2.10c                     connection failed or ti..
 pax                       2005-02-02                regex didn't match (pro..
 perl-time:Class-Date      1.1.8                     regex didn't match (pro..
 roadrunner                0.9.1                     connection failed or ti..
 tin                       1.7.10                    regex didn't match (pro..
 twiki                     20041030                  regex didn't match (pro..
 ups                       3.37                      regex didn't match (p [7]
 uudeview                  0.5.20                    regex didn't match (pro..
 uvscan:datfiles           4650                      regex didn't match (p [8]
 vcheck                    1.2.1                     regex didn't match (p [9]
 xvid                      1.0.3                     regex didn't match (pro..
 yodl                      1.31.18                   connection failed or [10]
 zlex                      1.02                      regex didn't match (pro..
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] db:patch: thl: change tracking from hardcode to variable once a patch is 
 [2] enscript: rse: 1.6.4 slightly broken
 [3] epm: rse: FTP service supports active mode only and has empty version 
 [4] gale: rse: tracking impossible due to non-numerical version extensions
 [5] glimpse: rse: website still does not show latest version
 [6] mgv: rse: homepage disappeared
 [7] ups: rse: broken on FreeBSD >= 4.5-STABLE because ptrace' PT_READ_U missing
 [8] uvscan:datfiles: rse: updates occur partly bi-daily, so track only every 
tenths version
 [9] vcheck: rse: webserver currently broken
 [10] yodl: ms: 1.31.18, yodl completely discontinued and removed from servers

 The remaining 1658 sources were successfully determined to be still
 up to date. No action is required on your part. Just be happy ;)

                              OpenPKG Version Tracker
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OpenPKG Project                          
Developer Communication List         

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