OpenPKG Version Tracking Report

 Reporting Time:    2006-01-08 20:53
 Tracking Duration: 1:08:07 (H:M:S)
 Tracking Input:    1750 sources (920 packages)
 Tracking Result:   1683 up-to-date, 32 out-dated, 35 error

 The following 32 sources were determined to be out-dated because newer
 vendor versions were found. Upgrade the corresponding OpenPKG packages.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               New Version              
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 apache2                   2.0.55                    2.2.0
 aqbanking                 1.6.1                     1.6.2
 aqbanking:gwenhywfar      1.19.1                    1.99.2
 aqmoney:ktoblzcheck       1.8                       1.9
 bochs                     2.2.1                     2.2.5
 boost                     1_33_0                    1_33_1
 gdb                       6.3                       6.4
 imapd                     2.2.12                    2.3.1
 kde-arts                  1.4.2                     1.5.0                 [1]
 kde-base                  3.2.3                     3.4.3                 [2]
 kde-libs                  3.4.2                     3.4.3                 [3]
 libextractor              0.5.7                     0.5.9
 mesa:MesaDemos            6.2.1                     6.4.1
 mesa:MesaLib              6.2.1                     6.4.1
 mldonkey                  2.6.6                     2.7.2                 [4]
 mozilla-mplayer           3.15                      3.17
 ncurses:patchset          20051231                  20060107
 papyrus                   1.4.4                     1.5.1
 pearpc                    0.3.1                     0.4
 popt                      1.10.2                    1.10.4                [5]
 postgresql:pgcluster      1.3.0c                    1.5.0rc1              [6]
 qt4                       4.0.1                     4.1.0
 rekall                    2.2.4-2                   2.2.6                 [7]
 rt:html-mason             1.32                      1.3200
 taskjuggler               2.1.1                     2.2.0
 wine                      0.9.3                     0.9.5
 xalan-c                   1_6                       1_10_0
 xemacs                    21.4.17                   21.4.18
 xemacs:sumo               2005-07-15                2005-12-08
 xine-ui                   0.99.3                    0.99.4
 xorg                      6.8.2                     7.0
 zope                      2.8.5                     2.9.0
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] kde-arts: thl/1.4.3: configure Qt (>= Qt 3.3 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) 
not found, although qt-3.3.5 installed
 [2] kde-base: thl/3.4.3: requires kde-arts which is currently broken
 [3] kde-libs: thl/3.4.2: requires kde-arts which is currently broken
 [4] mldonkey: thl/2.7.0: Unbound module Printf2
 [5] popt: rse: 1.10.3 has lots of files missing (depcomp,, ltmain, 
 [6] postgresql:pgcluster: rse: beside the filename also the path changes for 
new versions
 [7] rekall: thl/2.2.6: requires kde-config

 The following 35 sources could not be successfully checked because
 an error occurred while processing. Keep at least an eye on them.

 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 Package                   Old Version               Error                    
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 antiword                  0.37                      regex didn't match (pro..
 apache:mod_security       1.8.7                     regex didn't match (pro..
 apachetop                 0.12.5                    regex didn't match (pro..
 cvsd                      1.0.8                     regex didn't match (pro..
 db:patch                  4.3.28                    regex didn't match (p [1]
 dlint                     1.4.0                     regex didn't match (pro..
 enscript                  1.6.3                     regex didn't match (p [2]
 epm                       3.7                       2nd connection failed [3]
 figlet                    222                       connection failed or ti..
 gale                      0.99fruit                 latest version online [4]
 glimpse                   4.18.1p                   latest version online [5]
 gmime                     2.1.17                    2nd regex didn't match ..
 gnutls                    1.3.1                     latest version online l..
 ircd                      2.11.1p1                  connection failed or ti..
 j2ee                      8_1_02_2005Q2             latest version online l..
 j2se14                    1.4.2_10                  1st regex didn't match ..
 magicpoint                1.11a                     connection failed or ti..
 mgv                       3.1.5                     regex didn't match (p [6]
 mplayer:extension_live    2005.10.05                regex didn't match (pro..
 multitail                 3.8.3                     regex didn't match (pro..
 myodbc                    3.51.11                   regex didn't match (pro..
 netcat                    110                       regex didn't match (pro..
 offlineimap               4.0.11                    regex didn't match (pro..
 perl-sys:IO-Util          1.48                      latest version online l..
 pgpool                    2.7.0                     latest version online l..
 rdp                       1_6                       connection failed or ti..
 roadrunner                0.9.1                     connection failed or ti..
 rxvt                      2.7.10                    connection failed or ti..
 spegla                    1.1p4                     connection failed or ti..
 tin                       1.7.10                    regex didn't match (pro..
 twiki                     20041030                  regex didn't match (pro..
 ups                       3.37                      regex didn't match (p [7]
 uvscan:datfiles           4650                      connection failed or  [8]
 vcheck                    1.2.1                     regex didn't match (p [9]
 yodl                      1.31.18                   connection failed or [10]
 ------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
 [1] db:patch: thl: change tracking from hardcode to variable once a patch is 
 [2] enscript: rse: 1.6.4 slightly broken
 [3] epm: rse: FTP service supports active mode only and has empty version 
 [4] gale: rse: tracking impossible due to non-numerical version extensions
 [5] glimpse: rse: website still does not show latest version
 [6] mgv: rse: homepage disappeared
 [7] ups: rse: broken on FreeBSD >= 4.5-STABLE because ptrace' PT_READ_U missing
 [8] uvscan:datfiles: rse: updates occur partly bi-daily, so track only every 
tenths version
 [9] vcheck: rse: webserver currently broken
 [10] yodl: ms: 1.31.18, yodl completely discontinued and removed from servers

 The remaining 1683 sources were successfully determined to be still
 up to date. No action is required on your part. Just be happy ;)

                              OpenPKG Version Tracker
                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The OpenPKG Project                          
Developer Communication List         

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