On Mon, Jan 16, 2006, Peter Zimmer wrote:

> we are experiencing some problems with the apache web server in
> openpkg-2.5.
> On some accesses to the web page we get an error in the apache error log
> file:
> [Thu Jan 12 08:39:46 2006] [notice] child pid 26680 exit signal Bus
> Error (10)
> The web page is the assist enterprise help desk software.
> This error results in some time-outs an access the site.
> The error occurs on Solaris 10 only. On Solaris 9, the system runs fine
> with the same openpkg package versions.
> Can you help us?

Well, I don't know this "assist enterprise help desk software" you
mention, but I guess it is based on PHP or Perl, right? I guess this is
the case because when Apache segfaults it most of the time is related to
some third-party libraries used by the various PHP or Perl extensions.

If this is the case, to fix this problem one has to build all the stuff
with debug symbols and then analyze the web server processes. But
debugging Apache under those circumstances is rather complex and usually
cannot be done by yourself. But debugging your situation in depth is a
prerequisite for being able to fix the bug afterwards (assuming it can
be fixed at all in the application or inside a third-party library and
isn't caused by some Solaris 10 system code).

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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