I spent a fair amount of time getting zope and plone working
under OpenPKG this week.  The current packaged zope-2.9.1 is
somewhat out of date, and wouldn't start requiring changes to the
zopectl and zoperun scripts as the paths have changed.

I found that the current Plone-2.5.1 won't run with zope.2.10.x,
and the most recent version it likes is zope-2.9.6.

I modified the zopectl and zoperun scripts to use the correct
paths, and had to do some tweaking to the build process as the
zope build process has changed since zope-2.9.1.  The main
changes I made were to add the --prefix to the build process,
change the %install to use make defining LN=true to avoid a
problem with the install process, making the symlink to python
in the zope.spec file.

The Plone packaging is based loosely on Tres' packaging of
zope-cmf, installing under %{l_prefix}/lib/zope-plone with the
appropriate symlinks to %{l_prefix}/var/zope/Products.  It also
installs zopeedit.py under %{l_prefix}/bin/ manually to avoid
problems using ``python setup.py install'' in the spec file.

I have these packages available here:


INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software, LLC
URL: http://www.celestial.com/  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

Democracy must be sometihng more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what
to have for dinner -- James Bovard
The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
Developer Communication List                   openpkg-dev@openpkg.org

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