On Thu, Jul 19, 2007, Olivier Kaloudoff wrote:

>       to compile traceroute on Darwin, I had to tweak 2 files with a  very 
> short
> change (aclocal.m4 and findsaddr-socket.c). Something more heavy was
> needed, replace original config.sub and config.guess by the one provided by
> Apple (last update, 1999 whereas traceroute has 1996). Change is about 2000
> lines ..

For bringing the config.* files to a newer level you can just require
the "config" package and then run "%{l_prefix}/bin/config install ."
in the traceroute.spec:%build. This way you especially do not need the
aclocal.m4 patch and no dependency to AutoXXX.

>       running "aclocal ; autoconf ; configure ; make" works like a charm after
> this...
>       Are patches for Darwin accepted in current for openpkg ? If yes, what
> should I do about config.guess and config.sub ? Push patch for the moment,
> ask the upstream packager to update their version, and remove the patch
> when done ?

Sure, Darwin is just fine. Kick your "findsaddr-socket.c" fix and the
the above "config install" into our "traceroute" package, please.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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