The OpenPKG project releases version 1.1 of the
    unique cross-platform software packaging facility. -- Munich, DE -- August 28, 2002 -- The OpenPKG
  project today announces the availability of the OpenPKG 1.1 software.
  A flexible and powerful software packaging facility, OpenPKG eases
  the cross-platform installation and administration of Unix software.
  Consolidating different vendor approaches into a unified architecture,
  it serves system administrators of large networks previously burdened
  by non-conformant systems. OpenPKG leverages proven technologies like
  Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) and provides an additional system layer on
  top of the operating system. With OpenPKG, a new and unique method of
  cross-platform software deployment is taking form.

  Compared with earlier releases, OpenPKG 1.1 offers even more. Previously
  with 167 released packages, the official OpenPKG repository has grown by
  over 60% to 274 software packages. Preexisting packages are in top form
  after upgrades to newer versions. Packages are also now divided into
  CORE, BASE, and PLUS categories for more accurate security assessment.

  Administrators have asked for more portability, and OpenPKG has
  responded by increasing the number of supported platforms. Previously
  on only three platforms, OpenPKG users now enjoy official support on
  FreeBSD 4, RedHat Linux 7, Debian GNU/Linux 2, Debian GNU/Linux 3, Sun
  Solaris 8 and Sun Solaris 9.

  Improvements in OpenPKG's inherently strong security model now provide
  more flexible user accounting, with finer granularity and control.
  Previous versions used only the "manager" and "nobody" users and groups.
  OpenPKG 1.1 adds the "superuser" and "restricted" users and groups.
  Packages make use of these additional accounts to better abstract
  security-sensitive code from generic functionality. OpenPKG 1.1 also
  encapsulates its software base even more by integrating a "sane" build
  environment into each OpenPKG instance. This prevents access to system
  components not residing in OpenPKG's well defined scope, and avoids
  package inconsistency between seemingly identical instances. Also useful
  in testing, an administrator can now expect really reproducible results
  from a package build.

  To relieve cautious administrators, OpenPKG 1.1 software packages do not
  alter system files anymore (like kernel parameters or /etc files). In
  cases where such alteration is needed, OpenPKG recommends changes that
  the administrator should manually undertake. Even such recommendation
  is avoided however, and OpenPKG takes this course only when it cannot
  provide the needed functionality inside the borders of its own instance.
  As always, the only evidence of an OpenPKG introduction are three
  system entry points (run-command scripts, cron table, and user/group
  additions). These changes are made only during bootstrapping a new
  OpenPKG instance, and all such changes are completely undone upon
  deinstallation of OpenPKG.

  During activation, all daemon packages inside an OpenPKG instance now
  pay attention to special enable switches. This new feature allows
  an administrator to deactivate a daemon by merely setting a switch
  variable to "yes" or "no", whereas previously a daemon package had to be
  completely deinstalled. To avoid the precarious editing of an OpenPKG
  specification file, "--define" RPM command line options are now honored
  during package build time. This allows an administrator to install
  software variants by building custom binary packages. The results of RPM
  queries include descriptions of all options that a package offers.

  Proxy packages are first supported in OpenPKG 1.1, and allow an
  administrator to reduce maintainance complexity through package reuse.
  Should packages in several OpenPKG instances depend on the same base
  package, it can now be installed only once in an arbitrary OpenPKG
  master instance. Dependent packages can refer to the common base
  package through natively installed proxy packages, created with the
  OpenPKG-specific RPM option "--makeproxy".


  * Entirely based on Open Source technology.
  * Portable across all major Unix platforms.
  * Official support for FreeBSD, RedHat, Debian and Solaris.
  * Minimum operating system intrusion.
  * Minimum overhead in software packaging.
  * Easy installation, updating and deinstallation of packages.
  * Over 270 software packages available.
  * Bundled with useful package preconfigurations.
  * Support for multiple system instances.
  * Support for proxy packages.
  * Abstracted run-command facility.


  OpenPKG is a software packaging facility for Unix computers, and targets
  the major server platforms FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris. While internally
  based on RPM version 4, OpenPKG is a self-contained system with minimal
  dependencies (no RPM preinstallation required) and installs itself by
  means of a tricky bootstrapping procedure. OpenPKG eases and controls
  the management of a large or diverse base of software across one or more
  of its supported platforms.

  OpenPKG is a project founded 2000 by the Development Team from Cable
  & Wireless Germany's Internet Services division. In January 2002
  it was released by Cable & Wireless to the public as Open Source
  software. Since then OpenPKG is maintained and improved by its original
  developers and contributors from the Open Source community and is a
  mature technology in production use. OpenPKG is the brainchild of Ralf
  S. Engelschall, team leader of Development in Internet Services and
  principal author of numerous other widely used Open Source Software
  technologies like Apache SSL/TLS Engine (mod_ssl), Apache URL Rewriting
  Engine (mod_rewrite), GNU Portable Threads (Pth), GNU Portable Shell
  Tool (Shtool), and Website META Language (WML).


  The OpenPKG Project
  Ralf S. Engelschall
  +49-172-8986801 (CET)

The OpenPKG Project                          
Project Announcement List                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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