On Wed, Mar 12, 2003, Ingo T. Storm wrote:

> mod_php is in the OpenPKG apache package. (as is mod_ssl and the
> like). This means that when any of the packages contained has an
> update, the "container package" will have to be updated. This is the
> reason why you see both apache and the standalone php package in the
> advisory.

Some clarification. The advisory is only for the standalone php interpreter
(being used as a CGI) but not for the embedded apache module.

The apache package is supposed to build only the apache module (assuming
you specify the 'with_php' option) and thus would not be affected.

However, due to some oversight from us, some versions of the apache
package also build the affected standalone php interpreter (-> the
php build now requires an explicit --disable-cli to prevent the php
interpreter from begin built :-().

So: if you had installed the listed apache package and built it with
the 'with_php' option, then you also installed the php binary that
is affected when being used as a CGI.

    ,eM""=.            a"-.                         Michael van Elst
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