On Wed, Mar 19, 2003, Ingo T. Storm wrote:

> When openssl got updated to 1.2.2, I got lots of complaints about
> packages that need rebuilding (e.g. apache, lynx, wget) because they
> have openssl in their deps. I rebuild and installed the openssl-1.2.2
> first in order to rebuild the rest in the next iteration.

Hmm. openpkg build should do just that. You tell it to upgrade
openssl and it will automatically upgrade the rest _unless_
you force it with the -q option to ignore these 'reverse dependencies'.

You can recompile openssl and all dependencies by using the -z option.

openpkg build -z openssl

will trigger rebuilds of openssl and all forward and backward dependencies.

openpkg build -zU openssl

will also try to upgrade all touched packages when possible.

Obviously this will redo at least the openssl build. If you are sure
that this is not necessary then save the openpkg build output into a file
and remove the commands.

    ,eM""=.            a"-.                         Michael van Elst
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