On Wed, Oct 01, 2003, Steffen Weinreich wrote:
>--On Mittwoch, Oktober 01, 2003 13:28:14 -0400 Dennis McRitchie 
>>2) MTA
>>I assume that this is referring to a Mail Transport Agent. If so, I know
>>pine needs an MTA to run; but this is not a dependency in the usual sense
>>of the word. There is no package called MTA, and it is up to the sysadmin
>>and/or user to pick an MTA (sendmail or some other SMTP agent) to use.
>>So why is this listed here? I understand the value of a reminder, but
>>shouldn't there be a way to get pine to build without having to edit the
>>spec file?
>MTA is a virtual package and will be provided by ssmtp, postfix or 
>sendmail. More about virtual packages are described under 

This brings up a topic I've been meaning to address for a while.

The MTA package gets in the way when bootstrapping OpenPKG if one wants to
do the build as a non-root user using ``sudo'' since ``sudo'' depends on
MTA.  I've considered writing a placeholder package, say dummyMTA, that
provides MTA (and might make symlinks from the system sendmail to
%{l_prefix}/sbin/sendmail) that would work around this dependency.  Adding
``Obsoletes: dummyMTA'' to the real MTAs, postfix, exim, et al, that would
automatically remove dummyMTA when installed.

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
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FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
URL: http://www.celestial.com/

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