On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 08:01:40AM +0200, Matthias Kurz wrote:

> Well, there is a difference between "rpm --whatrequires" and
> "openpkg build -L".

rpm inspects the local database of installed packages.
openpkg build inspects the repository index.

openpkg build also manages reverse dependencies. A simple:

openpkg build openssl

will rebuild all installed packages that depend on openssl

The -L option is a feature for a repository maintainer to find
out what packages might be affected without actually having these
packages installed (which might be even impossible due to conflicts).

> That different output is generated for two consecutive calls with the
> _same_ option(s) doesn't make things easier.

If the output changed then either the installed packages changed or
the index changed.

> - Install packages and all packages they depend on from source rpms
> - Install packages and all packages they depend on from binary rpms

There is no real distinction between source and binary rpms in a
repository. Binary rpms are not built but copied and sources are
sometimes required.

Otherwise it is simply:

openpkg build -p platform package-name

The index determines wether a binary RPM or a source RPM is used
but only binary RPMs that match the platform are selected.

> - Upgrade all installed packages from source rpms when necessary

What is 'necessary' ?

> - Unconditionally upgrade all installed packages from source rpms

openpkg build -a

> - Upgrade specific packages from source rpms when necessary

Again, what is 'necessary' ?

> - Unconditionally upgrade specific packages from source rpms (*2*)

openpkg build package-name

> - Upgrade all installed packages from binary rpms when necessary
> - Unconditionally upgrade all installed packages from binary rpms

openpkg build -p platform -a

> - Upgrade specific packages from binary rpms when necessary
> - Unconditionally upgrade specific packages from binary rpms

openpkg build -p platform package-name

> Are all those cases supported ?

Except for the notion of 'necessity' these are the trivial cases.

> Are there other important/supported cases ?
> What are the recommended (openpkg) commands for the supported cases ?

Many. The most common case is:  install/upgrade a package and upgrade
all dependencies first to ensure that the basis for the installed/upgraded
package is up-to-date:

openpkg build -U package-name

or for all installed packages:

openpkg build -U -a

Then you may want to rebuild an already installed package:

openpkg build -g package-name

Do the same, but also rebuild all the dependencies:

openpkg build -z package-name

Rebuild all installed packages (often required after a system upgrade):

openpkg build -z -a

> It is also _extremly_ important to _define_(*3*) what effect --force has
> on configurations.

I believe that's clearly defined by RPM. The packages have to declare
what the configuration is of course.

> place. E.g. httpd.conf et al are not flagged as config files in the apache2
> package - and are consequently replaced by an upgrade. D'oh ! 

It should be replaced (and saved) only when the default httpd.conf changes.
Otherwise it is a bug.

> I have machines with up to 240 installed packages - i really do not want
> to check each and every configuration after a "minor" upgrade.

One problem is: what is a 'minor' upgrade. Nobody can guarantee that
an upgrade does not require changes in the configuration. You absolutly
must verify the configurations.

RPM treats changes in the default configuration of a package as a
'major' upgrade. In that case it saves the old config file and
stores the new config file. The OpenPKG rc script will warn you when
a saved configuration file exists and should refuse to start a
package in that case.

There are often config files that change just for a new CVS version
number or datestamp, sometimes a simple three-way-merge could generate
a valid script. But no generic automated system will be smart enough
to ignore such harmless changes.

For a large installation I also prefer to keep all configuration files
at a central place (CVS archive or something similar) and deploy them
on the systems (e.g. with cfengine). The deployment procedure can
(and should) check for changed configurations.

> > > But when i try this with binary packages
> > >    openpkg build -p <platform>
> > >                  -r ftp://bla/.../RPM/PKG
> > >                  -f ftp://bla/.../RPM/PKG/00INDEX.rdf.bz2
> > >                  -i -g -u
> > > I get 
> > > FATAL: cannot find source for 'openssl'
> > > 
> > If your command listing above is complete it looks like you forgot to
> > create a new index.
> It works, when i leave out the "-u", so i do a

-u says that you do not want to use binary RPMs, unfortunately
that also rules out binary RPMs from the index. You can call that
a bug.

> "rm $opkg_root/RPM/PKG/*; openpkg build ..."

This should be a sufficient workaround.

> (*2*) Well, "unconditionally" here means: force a rebuild of only the named
>       packages and also force a rebuild of all packages that depend on one
>       or more of the rebuilt packages.

That's called 'reverse dependencies' and is handled automatically unless
you turn it off with -q. You may want to turn it off if you upgrade a
build tool like gcc or make. It is implicitely turned off for the
openpkg bootstrap package itself, otherwise an upgrade to the bootstrap
would rebuild every installed package :-)

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."
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