Hello Ansh,

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003, Anshuman Kanwar wrote:
> What if I build openpkg with :
> $ sh openpkg-***-***.src.sh --prefix=/ --user=here --group=here
> Will that break anything ?
Probably yes. The bootstrap script lays out its file hierarchy according to
the prefix you provide. In the event you specify the root directory as a
prefix, it would create its directory hierarchy there (see Christoph's
email). Please don't do that, and instead provide a prefix like '/opkg' or
'/sw' or '/sfw' or '/usr/opkg' or '/opt/$arch/opkg' or something like that.

> Though I appreciate the ability to run multiple instances of an app on one
> box, (This is one thing sadly missing in any other packaging system ... and
> I've researched quite a few) my problem is that we run an ASP environment
> and changing application paths at this point is just not an option.
Sorry to say, but OpenPKG might not be the best answer for you. It seems to
me that your needs are esoteric enough that you might have to build a
packaging and deployment system on your own, or alter an existing one that
I'm not familiar with.

However if you still want to try with OpenPKG and if you have a non
production machine to use for testing, then you could try some things to
decide for yourself if it works for you.

On the test (not production!) machine, you could bootstrap OpenPKG directly
to the /opt/$arch/app directory. The software previously residing in 'app'
should still remain.

You probably will have to twiddle with the user and group parameters of
'app' and 'app/conf' while bootstrapping, and maybe even change permissions
of those directories beforehand. There are other parameters to consider.
Type 'sh openpkg-***-***.src.sh' to see your choices.

You probably don't have the luxury or nerve to do this, but if long term
administration is your goal then you could try the following. On the test
(not production!) machine, you could bootstrap to another directory (such as
/sfw), then wipe out the /opt/$arch/app directory and make a symlink called
/opt/$arch/app to the /sfw/bin directory. Likewise for the /opt/$archapp/conf
symlinked to the /opkg/etc directory. Then package the software you need to
provide in /opt/$arch/app, and install it to /sfw. If you're savvy enough,
you could reduce downtime to your users to a some minutes (depending on how
much software you install.)

In either case, you will have to make all the packages yourself, because of
your special path requirements. I see some big disadvantages in either of
the two above approaches, but who knows and maybe one of them is better than
the ssh/scp/push script model you have now.

Development Team, Operations Northern Europe
Cable & Wireless Telecommunications Services GmbH
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