Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

After installing (in that order) the packages "openpkg", "make",
"binutils", "gcc", "perl" and (from OpenPKG-CURRENT) "openpkg-tools"

I keep seeing this stated -- "just install openpkg-tools from CURRENT". Having engaged this weekend in an attempt to upgrade a site from 1.3 to 2.0 and having found "openpkg build" gone, which I've come to rely upon and enjoy, I thought I'd just do this. When I try, however, I get the error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# openpkg rpm --rebuild openpkg-tools-0.8.5-20040418.src.rpm
Installing openpkg-tools-0.8.5-20040418.src.rpm
error: Failed build dependencies:
openpkg >= 20040409 is needed by openpkg-tools-0.8.5-20040418

So, is it also advised when running the 2.0 release that I upgrade to the CURRENT openpkg core? If so, when I run "openpkg build", is it going to try to update me on the CURRENT branch or 2.0? Anything other than that to be wary of?

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