On Itanium/RHEL3 (which is not an officially supported platform, I know), 
there are problems building packages that use the openpkg c++ compiler. The 
linker doesn't automatically link in libunwind, so there are many undefined 
references like this: 
(.text._ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev+0x9d2): In function 
/openpkg/RPM/TMP/gcc-3.4.2/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/new:96: undefined reference 
to `_Unwind_Resume' 
It seems to me that within the configuration of libstdc++ (while building 
openpkg gcc), libunwind is detected and thus used, but that this information 
is not promoted to the final linker configuration. 
Manually adding -lunwind to otherwise failing compile/link commands, or 
removing libunwind from the system and rebuilding openpgk gcc both work, but I 
would prefer a more clean solution. Any suggestions? Maybe gcc has to be 
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