I'm trying to ircd to run as a non-root user but it doesn't seem to run
and there aren't any debugging or other error messages.  I modified the
rc.ircd file to look like so:

#!/usr/local/lib/openpkg/bash /usr/local/etc/rc
##  rc.ircd -- Run-Commands
    ircd_signal () {
        [ -f $ircd_pidfile ] && kill -$1 `cat $ircd_pidfile`
%status -u daemon -o
    rcService ircd enable yes && \
        ircd_signal 0 && ircd_active="yes"
    echo "ircd_enable=\"$ircd_enable\""
    echo "ircd_usable=\"$ircd_usable\""
    echo "ircd_active=\"$ircd_active\""
%start -u daemon
    rcService ircd enable yes || exit 0
    rcService ircd active yes && exit 0
    /usr/local/sbin/ircd -c
%stop -u daemon
    rcService ircd enable yes || exit 0
    rcService ircd active no  && exit 0
    ircd_signal TERM
    sleep 2
    rm -f $ircd_pidfile 2>/dev/null || true
%restart -u daemon
    rcService ircd enable yes || exit 0
    rcService ircd active no  && exit 0
    rc ircd stop start
%reload -u daemon
    rcService ircd enable yes || exit 0
    rcService ircd active no  && exit 0
    ircd_signal HUP
%daily -u daemon
    rcService ircd enable yes || exit 0
    #   rotate logfile
    shtool rotate -f \
        -n ${ircd_log_numfiles} -s ${ircd_log_minsize} -d \
        -z ${ircd_log_complevel} -m 644 -o daemon -g daemon \
        -P "${ircd_log_prolog}" \
        -E "${ircd_log_epilog} && rc ircd restart" \

After I execute 'openpkg rc ircd start' it states that it is starting
but it doesn't.  The only thing it does is create an empty file located
at /usr/local/var/ircd/auth.  Does anybody have any ideas why this might
be happening?
David M. Fetter - UNIX Systems Administrator
Portland State University - www.oit.pdx.edu

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