Dear Brian,

On Sun, Jan 30, 2005, Brian Fistler wrote:
> I've been trying to get kolab2 beta2 to compile on a clean Mandrake
> 10.1 x86_64 (AMD64) installation. [...] Many of the packages compile
> ok, but the first to fail is the "fsl" [...] Any suggestions?
> l2_ut_format.c: In function l2_util_vasprintf': 
> l2_ut_format.c:1154: error: incompatible types in assignment 
> make[2]: *** [l2_ut_format.lo] Error 1 
we have identified a number of problems on the AMD64 platforms. With
regard to OSSP libraries [1] we have some trouble getting varargs to
work. Various pieces of software are affected. In case of fsl the
underlying l2, sa and cfg need changes. We already fixed cfg [1], sa
[2] and portions of l2 [3] but still l2 has runtime problems. Unless
these are fixed fsl [4] won't work. The links below direct you to the
Changelog so you can monitor what's going on.
Sorry, no final solution this week.

Brian, with regard to fsl you can disable it's use by building packages
"with_fsl no". This will make applications log into the host's syslog(3)
and might be acceptable as a temporary workaround. To be honest, I'm
more interested in hearing which applications other than fsl will then
fail because these are the next to be fixed and they might not be under
our control.


[EMAIL PROTECTED], Cable & Wireless
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