On Wed, 9 Feb 2005 16:07:09 +0100, Ralf S. Engelschall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> ....
> > Most of the ideas come from the FreeBSD sendmail port (thks dirk for
> > your efforts) :
> > - ability to disable IPV6 support
> > - ability to use picky_helo_check
> > - ability to use socketmap
> Good idea. I've taken them over from your patch with just
> small adjustments (the picky HELO check is no longer an option
> because it is reasonable and causes a warning only). See
> http://cvs.openpkg.org/chngview?cn=21680 for details. Thanks for your
> contribution.

=> BTW, there are is a  sendmail 8.13.3 patch around that maybe should 
be taken into account  see : 
> > Additional idea that might interest ISPs/companies (not in the FreeBSD
> > port)  : one-line additional  logging for billing/statistics (with
> > sender/recipient email addresses, mailservers and size of message) :
> >
> > This billing line  just requires a small patch to sendmail/conf.c
> > (checkcompat function).
> > It needs some additional testing [...]
> So, I've left this one out for now...
=> It used to work fine on sendmail 8.12.x ... versions. 
I Will test it further  for 8.13.x and maybe ask the sendmail folks
wether it could not be a FFR ...

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