Something seems wrong with how Expect and Tcl interacts in regards to
dependencies.  The problem occurs if you have a prior version of Tcl and
Expect installed, then go to upgrade to any other version.  What happens
is that the update fails when trying to upgrade Tcl using the build
tools.  It seems to be because Expect has a specific version of Tcl
required in it's Requires section.  Since Expect has Tcl as a
requirement then the build tool sees that Tcl should be upgraded before
Expect as per the order it derives based on what exists in the Require
section of all of the rpms.  However, since Expect has a specific
version of Tcl required, the update of the newer Tcl fails because the
currently old Expect that is installed requires an older specific
version of Tcl.  I'm thinking that line #61 of the expect.spec file
should be:

PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.3.0, tcl >= %{V_tcl}

Instead of:

PreReq:       OpenPKG, openpkg >= 2.3.0, tcl = %{V_tcl}

Line #60, which is the BuildPreReq, has the same line.  I'm not sure if
this should be changed though.  I'm thinking that only the PreReq should
be changed while the BuildPreReq stays with the specific version as that
seems that it would logically function as is needed and not break
updating from an older version to newer as well.  Does this logic seem
proper to you guys?

David M. Fetter - UNIX Systems Administrator
Portland State University -

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