On Mon, May 23, 2005, Steffen Weinreich wrote:

> I´m just in progress to migrate some of our internal stuff to an OpenPkg
> instance. Everything work quite nice and now I´m faced to a suble problem
> regarding perl-ole. Our developer had make extensive use of
> Spreadsheet-WriteExcel but in an old version (0.41). In the 2.3 release and
> current are the version 2.14 but the version lacks the ability to write
> comments to the Spreatsheet.
> Is there a way to supply both Versions without collisons? Any suggestions
> welcome..

You can manually install the old version through the CPAN shell.
It is then under <prefix>/lib/perl/site_perl/ and found before the
OpenPKG version in perl-ole. Alternatively you can install it with
"<prefix>/bin/perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=<prefix>/local/PKG/perl-ole/lib"
into the local area. Finally, you could also roll your own locally
modified perl-ole package and include the older version there.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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