On Tue, Jun 21, 2005, Frank Torres wrote: > Is there a way that I can change the startup order of openpkg rc > scripts. Reason is I need to have amd startup first before some of the > other rc scripts startup.
No, unfortunately you cannot influence the startup order -- well, at least not through some non-destructure configuration way. But if you really insist on doing you can edit the <prefix>/etc/rc.d/rc.amd script and change the line "%start -u root" to "%start -u root -p 1". This way AMD will start with a very high priority and this way is started before all other packages (except "openpkg" which uses "-p 0"). Ralf S. Engelschall [EMAIL PROTECTED] www.engelschall.com ______________________________________________________________________ The OpenPKG Project www.openpkg.org User Communication List openpkg-users@openpkg.org