well the problem seems to be fixing the RPM install phase for AIX.

Any ideas welcome

20 Jul 2005 22:15:29 +0200, Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Doug Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Simon, I got past this by doing the following:
> >
> > 1) Uninstalling binutils (OpenPKG & RPM versions)
> I don't have the binutils rpm installed (AIX rpm).
> > 2) Compiling using --define="with_binutils no" switch
> Did not help me.
> But you are building 3.3.6 not 3.4.4, aren't you? I thought you had
> the same assembler error I had with gcc 3.4.4 and 4.0.
> > BTW - I've been compiling on boxes very similar to yours so the CPU's
> > shouldn't be an issue.
> Yes, but the build is painfully slow. We have a couple of faster boxes
> (one with 16 cpus) but they are production boxes and I can't play with
> them unfortunately.
> I'm just going to make sure I _can't_ build gcc 3.4.4 using the AIX
> spec file "style commands" using gcc 3.3.2 installed from the AIX
> rpm. If that fails I think I can go to the gcc list and ask some
> questions.  If I don't do that I'll probably get asked to try a "normal"
> build anyway.
> And I don't dare try and build 3.3.6 while the 3.4.4 is building ...
> I'm sure we'll get there in the end. Shame no-one at IBM can lend a
> helping hand.  I'm not familiar enough with either the hardware or the
> gcc building process to know what the problem is.
> Simon
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