I didn't see that package, I noticed the same problem with gcc41, so I'll try to build it with mpfr instead of gmp.

On 7/21/05, Ralf S. Engelschall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 21, 2005, Doug Henry wrote:

> It seems the f77 support has changed to f95 support in gcc40.  Setting with_f77
> will fail when building this package. Here are the changes I made to make it
> work:
> - Changed f77 to f95 in the enable-languages option
> - When f95 option is used the gmp package becomes a build requirement
> - The default gmp package does not have MPFR support, so I modified gmp to have
> that option (--enable-mpfr)
> - gcc40 cannot find gmp.h, so I added %{l_cppflags} the the CFLAGS list

Question: we have a "mpfr" package in CURRENT. Does this not work with
GCC? My understand is that the --enable-mpfr option to GMP just enables
a compatibility API for MPFR. Hence I ask myself whether we better
should use the original one instead...

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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