Hi All,

I have answered my own question but I believe this is a problem in the samba.spec file. (Unless I am reading it wrong. I am a bit of a newby)

The spec file for samba assumes that the default for using LDAP in building samba is 'no' but the samba configure has 'yes' or 'auto' as the default. So to build samba without LDAP I made this changed in the spec file.

I changed:

%if "%{with_ldap}" == "yes"
        --with-ldap %endif


%if "%{with_ldap}" == "no"
        --with-ldap=no %endif

The very good news is that samba now is working for me.

I think it's something that could be fixed at your end for others.


Lois B. Bennett, MSEE
Senior UNIX System Administrator
Channing Laboratory
Brigham & Women's Hospital
A Teaching Affiliate of
Harvard Medical School and
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