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this is my first message and I'd like first of all to say thanks to the creators of OpenPKG, it is something amazing (and extremely usefull).

I'd like to use an openpkg system on some virtual servers where I don't have root access and I have limited resources (ie: ram, hd) and can't modify the host system at all (ld.conf, /lib /usr/lib and /usr/ local/lib). In such environment I can't compile all the packets I need beacouse of the quota on the disk. I tried to do it on my local server but once I moved the openpkg root dir on the virtual server, every binary complained about the missing of the proper glibc (I have 2.3.4 on my local gentoo system and 2.3.2 on the virtual fedora-based virtual server). I then built glibc 2.3.4 on the local system, moved them to /local/lib and set to that dir. But now the openpkg binaries are complaining about an ELF incompatibility.

Is there a way to avoid the openpkg system to share the glibc with the host system but use the glibc given at compile time? (in the way that all the openpkg rpm installed on the target hosts can use the glibc of the compiling host)

Or, if it is not possible, can I compile on my local box against different versions of the glibc so that the virtual server will be able to run that packages? (this is uncomfortable beacouse I then need to build an openpkg system on every glibc version that my servers have; moreover I have only one 2000+ Athlon XP to compile 4-5 full systems and mantain them)

Best Regards,

Michele Favara Pedarsi
Rome, Italy
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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