On Tue, Jul 26, 2005, Bill Campbell wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 26, 2005, Doug Summers wrote:
> >This seems to be platform-independent...
> >
> >When trying to display OpenPKG man pages most of them work great. Here 
> >is my output for 'openpkg man gcc":
> >
> ...
> >For rpm it's a scrambled mess:
> >
> >Red Hat Linux                                              RPM(8)
> >
> >     rpm - RPM Package Manager
> >
> >     ESC[1mrpm ESC[22m{ESC[1m-q|--queryESC[22m} 
> >[ESC[1mselect-optionsESC[22m] [
> >ESC[1mquery-optionsESC[22m]
> My SWAG on this is the setting of your PAGER environment variable.  I think
> the default for OpenPKG is ``less -E -r'' where the -E automatically quits
> at the end of the viewing (which I *HATE* and turn off), and the -r seems
> to be the trick to get less to view man pages correctly.

I also use the PAGER="less -r..." workaround. But this regularily locks
up my xterms, because i'm also used to use less like "strings" - that means
i tend to hit "yes", before i think, when it asks me "binary file - display
anyway". Never had problems with this in the past (without -r). It would be 
nice if someone could fix this, so that the "man" command does not generate
*STINKIN'* esc sequences. Everybody who uses ESC sequences should be shot !


Matthias Kurz; Fuldastr. 3; D-28199 Bremen; VOICE +49 421 53 600 47
  >> Im prämotorischen Cortex kann jeder ein Held sein. (bdw) <<
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