On Tue, Aug 02, 2005, Doug Summers wrote:
>Matthias Kurz wrote:
>>On Mon, Aug 01, 2005, Doug Summers wrote:
>>>This has happened twice to me today - once on Solaris 9 and the other on 
>>>HPUX 11.00/64. The proper init.d scripts are in place on both systems 
>>>(/sbin/init.d and /etc/init.d) and the K & S scripts are located here:
>>Does this happen "sometimes" or always ?
>>Does it run when you call ".../init.d/openpkg start" ?
>>Did you look into .../init.d/openpkg ? It checks, whether it can access
>>the "rc" of the "openpkg" instance. Is there any possibility that the
>>"rc" is not available. All disks should be mounted, when S99openpkg runs,
>>Did you change the value of $openpkg_rc_def ?
>>You can try to run "/openpkg/etc/rc -v all start" or edit 
>>and include the "-v" option. Maybe you can see the problem.
>>   (mk)
>The only time it's failing is on a reboot and only with HPUX & Solaris. 
>My RHEL machines works fine; the only difference I can see is that the S 
>& K scripts on Linux are symlinks to /etc/init.d and the others are the 
>actual scripts.

Could the file systems where OpenPKG is installed by mounted with
some kind of noexec flag when booting?  I've seen this happen on
Linux file systems where user mounting is allowed (e.g. SuSE 9.2).

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
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creative meeting, and the ratio changes to one quarter as many ...
                -- Anthony Chevins
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