I think you can play with the 00INDEX.rdf file and just remove that entry.  The file is a plain old xml file.  I use the file below, which has the 2.4 tree and a portion of the current tree.  Also, to prevent collisions between the two, I have code that builds a new 00INDEX.rdf file from a list of packages.  This allows you to specify 10 packages from current that you want to use and it will copy those entries from the original file in to a new one.  If that would be useful let me know.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
  <Repository rdf:resource="OpenPKG-2.4/">
    <Repository rdf:resource="OpenPKG-2.4/Source/" href="">     <Repository rdf:resource="OpenPKG-2.4/Update/" href="">     <Repository rdf:resource="OpenPKG-CURRENT/Source/" href="">   </Repository>

On 8/10/05, Doug Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How do you get openpkg build to ignore the BIN files? I've synced the
2.4 source tree so I'm running the command like this:

openpkg build -r /infotech/source/openpkg/2.4/ t1lib

However (even though the file is there) it barfs here:

# reading index file
# using XML parser
# reading index file
# using XML parser
# reading index file
# using XML parser
# reading index file
# using XML parser
# reading index file
FATAL: cannot open '/infotech/source/openpkg/2.4/BIN/00INDEX.rdf' (No
such file or directory)
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