On Mon, Nov 28, 2005, OpenPKG wrote:

>     OpenPKG Registry finally launched!
> [...]

The first questions pop up around the OpenPKG Registry.

We will try hard to answer all of them to you. Let me just share a few
personal points with you:

The OpenPKG Registry is still far away from being a final and good
solution. Thomas Lotterer and I investigated already about 6 man-weeks
to implement what we now have and although we know best ourself that
it is still far away from being optimal, some environmental conditions
forced us to already activate it at this point in time.

People who know me personally are surprised about this decision as I'm
always very well known to not easily push something new out before
it isn't really cleaned up multiple times, tested in depth, etc. But
with the OpenPKG Registry we had no alternative and had to have nerve.
We even prepared ourself having to accept and understand occurring

Thomas and I will try hard to fix all still remaining bugs, soon also
add the necessary and still missing documentation, etc. But more
important than making the OpenPKG Registry a flawless and clean solution
is that you use it ALREADY NOW to personally register with the OpenPKG
project as a known OpenPKG fellow.

The reason simply is that very soon we have to make essential decisions
on the future of OpenPKG and for optimally aligning those decisions to
YOUR needs we have to KNOW YOU first. To some extend it will be already
sufficient for us to know how LARGE our community actually is (people
and instances!). That's what we finally try to gather with the OpenPKG
Registry. That's also the reason why we currently do not ask for lots
of personal information (like others do during a registration process),
although it certainly would also help us.

But we tried very hard to create an as less as possible burden on you
with the OpenPKG Registry. We know that all people like anonymous access
as it provides the maximum flexibility and the easiest start. OTOH it
is a major problem for the project as we do not know at least to some
little degree whether we have just 100 or 100.000 users.

But for doing the right thing and in the right direction for the OpenPKG
future it is vital to know at least how large and spreaded our community
actually is. Because, to be honest, for just 100 users it makes no sense
at all to further establish additional OpenPKG services we already have
in our queue. OTOH, for 10.000 users it makes sense, of course.

As we have the possibility for providing new and essential OpenPKG
services in the near future, we are under heavy time pressure to figure
out as soon as possible whether those services really make sense or not.

Companies who charge you a lot of money for their products easily can
grant you something if you give them feedback. We since five years
already give out all of our resources fully free of charge and to
anybody, hence the only chance for us to get feedback is to reverse the
model to some extend and apply at least restrictions on the allowed

Please support the OpenPKG project by going to
http://registry.openpkg.org/ and registering as an OpenPKG
fellow as soon as possible.

In case of any non-public questions, wishes or complains, please
write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We'll try to answer
your questions either directly or by adding the answers to

Thanks for your understanding.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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