Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2005 08:51 schrieb Ralf S. Engelschall:
> My last information on this was that Thomas L. asked the Kolab project
> to contribute their changes at the time before we released OpenPKG
> 2.5 but there was no response to him. Because of this nothing was
> integrated AFAIK. 

I do not remember seeing the question, but I cannot say whether this
was me overlooking it.

> If you tell me where we can find the ultimate source 
> of your latest local modifications we can try to integrate them now for
> inclusion in OpenPKG 2.6.

We have a CVS with has the latest version always.
Then there is a merge tracker for the patches we want to integrate upstream.,activity,title,creator,assignedto,status&status=-1,1,2,3,4

For you looking at the lastest snapshot might be the best possbility:

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