Doug Summers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I haven't been pursuing 5.3 lately as our dept. changed and I know
> longer have full access to a 5.3 machine. This will change in 1Q06 as
> I will be upgrading all of my 5.1 machines to 5.3. I just got 2.5.1 to
> compile on 5.2 and will focusing on openssh, cfengine, & postfix.

Ok. thanks for the info.  I've checked and we intend to use 5.3 on our
new server though it's still possible that 5.2 will be used if we have
compatibility problems.

It sounds like you have similar issues to those I had on 5.1 so I
expect 5.3 will not be significantly different.

Thanks again for the info.


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