from openpkg-2.5.1 forward I can no longer bootstrap from the file.  I receive the following messages with 2.5.1 and the 0601 version in current.  I can correctly bootstrap from and then upgrade to 2.5.1.  I am running ubuntu (breezy).

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/tmp$ sh /export/share/openpkg/devel.testing/ --prefix=/mnt/tools-testing --tag=testing
: command not foundkg/devel.testing/ line 25:
: command not foundkg/devel.testing/ line 35:
': not a valid identifierel.testing/ line 39: export: `LC_CTYPE
: octal number out of range.testing/ line 40: umask: 022
: command not foundkg/devel.testing/ line 41:
/export/share/openpkg/devel.testing/ line 44: syntax error near unexpected toke' `do
'export/share/openpkg/devel.testing/ line 44: `do

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