Bill Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 05, 2006, Simon J Mudd wrote:
> >I'm still trying to determine exactly what is happening but the symptoms
> >are as follows:
> >
> >The startup of OpenPKG 2.5's /etc/init.d/openpkg on Centos 4.2 when
> >starting in runlevel 3 (normal network) or 5 (graphical startup)
> >just hangs.  There is no output or error messages.
> >
> >Running /etc/init.d/openpkg start from a shell prompt takes a couple of
> >seconds and when booting I gave up after a few minutes.
> >
> >The only solution I am seeing is to force a reboot, then boot in single
> >user mode and add an exit 0 at the start of the script, go back to
> >runlevel 5 and reintialise OpenPKG by hand.
> The usual reason for extremely long startup times is that something that
> requires DNS is trying to start before it can resolve addresses.  The worst
> offenders are normally ntp and amd.

Maybe. However the openpkg startup is almost the final thing done so
named and the DNS _should_ be working ok. I guess if this is not
something that others have seen I'll assume it's a problem of mine.


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