Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006, Doug Summers wrote:
Using samba-3.0.21a-20051230 on RHEL 3.0...
I was able to successfully get Samba w/ADS support built, but had to add
this to the command line:
--define="with_ads yes" --define="l_ldflags -L$prefix/lib"
--define="l_cppflags -I$prefix/include"
For some reason, without explicitly adding the LDFLAGS & CPPFLAGS
settings, Samba can't find the OpenLDAP libraries. Has anyone else
experienced this?
No, I was able to build it. And because samba.spec contains...
| CC="%{l_cc}"
| CFLAGS="%{l_cflags -O}"
| LDFLAGS="%{l_ldflags}"
| LIBS=""
...your explicit passing actually has to be a NO-OP (as l_cppflags and
l_ldflags default to those flags anyway) or even destroys the CPPFLAGS.
So, I've no clue why this solved your problem.
Ralf S. Engelschall
What's weird is that the build actually completed but it skipped the ADS
part because it couldn't find the LDAP or Kerberos libraries. I didn't
even notice until I tried to run 'net ads' and it complained about not
having ADS support compiled in. I'm wondering if this is a shell issue
as I use tcsh when building.
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