Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
On Sun, Jan 15, 2006, Doug Summers wrote:

Using samba-3.0.21a-20051230 on RHEL 3.0...

I was able to successfully get Samba w/ADS support built, but had to add
this to the command line:

--define="with_ads yes" --define="l_ldflags -L$prefix/lib"
--define="l_cppflags -I$prefix/include"

For some reason, without explicitly adding the LDFLAGS & CPPFLAGS
settings, Samba can't find the OpenLDAP libraries. Has anyone else
experienced this?

No, I was able to build it. And because samba.spec contains...

|     CC="%{l_cc}"
|     CFLAGS="%{l_cflags -O}"
|     CPPFLAGS="%{l_cppflags openssl} -DOPENSSL_DISABLE_OLD_DES_SUPPORT"
|     LDFLAGS="%{l_ldflags}"
|     LIBS=""

...your explicit passing actually has to be a NO-OP (as l_cppflags and
l_ldflags default to those flags anyway) or even destroys the CPPFLAGS.
So, I've no clue why this solved your problem.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What's weird is that the build actually completed but it skipped the ADS part because it couldn't find the LDAP or Kerberos libraries. I didn't even notice until I tried to run 'net ads' and it complained about not having ADS support compiled in. I'm wondering if this is a shell issue as I use tcsh when building.

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