On Wed, Apr 05, 2006, Dennis McRitchie wrote:

> Periodically, one of our users gets the following message.
> rm: examine files in directory /tmp/rc-20060404211701-17039 (yes/no)?
> Since these directories are created by <openpkg_home>/etc/rc, I thought
> I would ask this forum what causes these messages to occur, and how to
> prevent them from occurring.
> I can't find this message in the openpkg scripts, nor can I find any
> reference to it by googling.
> Any thoughts?

AFAIK this is caused on some Linux boxes by "rm" overridden with
"rm -i". Usually with an alias in a global "bashrc"...

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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