Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
On Fri, Sep 15, 2006, Doug Summers wrote:

I'm building a generic (no user/group specified) set of rpm's using the
OpenPKG-stable branch. Although it doesn't seem to affect any of the
packages (so far anyway) I'm getting this on every build and binary install:

I still do not understand what exactly you are meaning with "generic
(no user/group specified) set of rpm's". OpenPKG _always_ uses a set
of 4 particular users/groups for an OpenPKG instance and this way for
all RPM packages one builds within this instance. So, from my point of
view there cannot be "generic" RPMs in OpenPKG. They are always bound
to a set of users/groups and a filesystem prefix. Even if you don't
specify a user/group (with --user/--group) during bootstrapping, four
users/groups are chosen for you automatically: usually by using the
_CURRENT_ user/group of the caller.

openpkg:WARNING: invalid permissions on configuration file
"/openpkg/etc/openpkg/managers" -- ignoring file

The permissions on root:system (0:0), which are the same as the generic
sets I built for rhel4-i386 & solaris9.

The WARNING comes from the OpenPKG wrapper command
"openpkg". The "managers" file has to have permissions
and it has to be owned by the management user/group (run `openpkg rpm
--eval '%{l_musr}:%{l_mgrp}'` for details what this is for you) Just run
the following commands you should see the discrepancy you have there:

$ ls -l /openpkg/etc/openpkg/managers
$ openpkg rpm --eval '%{l_musr}:%{l_mgrp}'

But one question remains for me: WHY does this discrepancy exist for you?
Have you manually changes the owner/permissions of the "managers" file?

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org
I guess what I mean by "generic" is that I do not explicitly specify the user/group. Since I'm building as root then root/system are being used. As far the permissions on managers is concerned it is 664, same as all of the other systems I've built recently - rhel4 (i386 & amd64), solaris9, and aix53:

$ ls -l /openpkg/etc/openpkg/managers
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root system 60 Sep 14 12:29 /openpkg/etc/openpkg/managers
$ openpkg rpm --eval '%{l_musr}:%{l_mgrp}'
openpkg:WARNING: invalid permissions on configuration file "/openpkg/etc/openpkg/managers" -- ignoring file

The OpenPKG Project                                    www.openpkg.org
User Communication List                      openpkg-users@openpkg.org

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