On Wed, Nov 15, 2006, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 15, 2006, Douglas Cook wrote:
>> Would it be possible to add the ability to specify a configure option
>> without having to hack the .spec file?
>> For example - I've found with AIX builds of sudo that using
>> --authenticate (which forces the use of AIX's authentication methods)
>> works better than the default or using --with_pam (not thrilled with
>> IBM's PAM implementation).
>> I'm thinking something like --define="--config your_option". Obviously I
>> wouldn't expect this option to verify that it will work and should be an
>> at-your-own-risk setting.
>Well, technically this is possible with some macro magic. We already
>thought about such a thing a few times in the past. But for just a
>few packages it isn't worth the special cases it produces. If we do
>such things it should be done in a more generic way. For instance
>there are some platforms out there which require changes to _many_
>packages in parallel. If we would provide a generic hooking mechanism
>we would benefit a lot more.

This could also apply to shared libraries which are required by
some systems (e.g. Mac OS X/Darwin).  Instead of having the hard
coded ``--disable-shared'' in most configure files, have an RPM
macro, say %{l_shared}, that could be handled on a system-wide
basis.  This might reference rpmtool as is done now with some of
the C compiler and library options.

Another option might be to handle this with a package option that
could be set using the --define or -D options in the .openpkg/build

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