On Tue, Feb 13, 2007, Olivier Kaloudoff wrote:
>Hi Bill,
>>>     when are the .src.rpm build ? are they re-build each time the
>>>spec file changes (does not seem to be the case). So they are build once
>>>per release, and if we need something bleeding edge, we can use the
>>>RPM/SRC dir, right ?
>>>     is there a way to fetch automatically dependencies from inside
>>>the spec file ? tried openpkg man .. but i just know the "build" command
>>>at this time, and openpkg man openpkg does not refer to any other command,
>>>except lsync, but it does not seem to be what i need.
>>>     is there some kind of "fetch" command, or is apt suited for this
>>>task of fetching the sources before build ?
>>This is what the ``openpkg build packagename'' command does.
>>It's part of the openpkg-tools package.  You can create a file,
>>$HOME/.openpkg/build, with options for the build as well as
>>definitions for individual package options.
>Hmm. To me, openpkg build only does a rpmbuild --rebuild of the .src.rpm
>that he has just fetched from ftp.openpkg.org, like we can see below;

That should depend on dependencies (e.g. if I build python with all the
options set to ``yes'', it should generate the appropriate code to build
the prerequesite packages (and their prerequesites).  I generally use the
-K option to tell the build command to keep any packages that were built,
but that it thinks may have only been necessary to build, not for run-time.
To update the entire site I normally use a command to create a script, then
I look at the script before executing it.

        openpkg build -KUa > /tmp/build.update

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] openpkg build apache | egrep -v ^#
>echo :::: 
>/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm --rebuild 
>|| exit $?
>/openpkg/bin/openpkg rpm -Uvh 
>/openpkg/RPM/PKG/apache-1.3.37-E1.0.0.ix86-fedora3-openpkg.rpm || exit $?
>echo :::: 
>ftp://ftp.openpkg.org/release/E1.0/SRC/BASE/apache-1.3.37-E1.0.0.src.rpm = 
>$? ::::

I would guess that you don't have the ~/.openpkg/build file as
the build command doesn't any --defines options to the rebuild.

>>I'm attaching the .openpkg/build file for the system I'm using
>>for this e-mail.  Some options may be non-standard as have done
>>some tweaking on a few packages to meet our local needs (e.g.
>>adding with_shared to python to support with_python for the
>>postgresql package).  Our system is a hybrid of OpenPKG Release
>>2.5 and CURRENT with some local packages.
>hmm interesting. I can see that your openpkg repository was changed
>to  ftp://ftp.celestial.com/private/ftp.openpkg.org/release/2.5, can
>you tell me how you did this ?

We mirror the OpenPKG site, and have a private section in which most of the
*.src.rpm files are linked to the mirror.  Packages that we have modified
or are internal supercede or suplement those from the mirror.  The command
to build the require files is:

        openpkg index -C cache.db -o 00INDEX.rdf.bz2 -c -i .

Things work better if there aren't multiple copies of the same
source packages with differing dates.

>The build file does not show the whole build process, so it's still
>not clear to me if the command you typed detected that some tar.gz
>or tar.bz2 files files where missing and downloaded it.

That's in the ``-f'' and ``-r'' option lines near the top of the build

INTERNET:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bill Campbell; Celestial Software LLC
URL: http://www.celestial.com/  PO Box 820; 6641 E. Mercer Way
FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676

``It's not what you pay a man but what he costs you that counts.''
    Will Rogers
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