>>> On Monday, 11. June 2007 at 6:26 pm, Dan Cox<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A few peculiarities with the OpenPKG run control system are causing  
> some end user confusion when working with services. (Using  
> openpkg-20070608) [...] Thoughts/comments?
Thanks a lot for the detailed report, Dan.  All of what you reported
describes correctly what "openpkg rc" is doing today.

I traced down that much of the difference between your expectations and
actual behavior seems to come from a different definition of "disabled".
For "openpkg rc", disabled means "not do the action". It seems to me
your definition can be described as "not run the daemon". So we end up

OpenPKG "disabled":
"openpkg rc start foo" -> not do the start
"openpkg rc status foo" -> not do the status
"openpkg rc stop foo" -> not do the stop

Dan "disabled":
"openpkg rc start foo" -> not run the daemon, refuse start
"openpkg rc status foo" -> not run the daemon, display status anyway
"openpkg rc stop foo" -> not run the daemon, stop if it running anyway
The stop anyway case happens likely if disabling the daemon after start.
It seems to me both approaches are valid. The "Dan approach" is just not
implemented. Worse for OpenPKG, the "Dan approach" seems to be natural
for humans.

I have to investigate whether it is possible to implement your approach,
too. We need to find a good name for both in order not to confuse users
too much, considering rc_all and rc_def, too. Maybe renaming the
existing functionality to "dormant" does the job.



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