I just built a daemon program, which we need on several servers.

To build this peace of software is a bit complicated, I have no .spec yet.

Just to install and run it, I have a binary (one version linked with -lfsl, one 
version traditional syslog), I have a config file and i have a prepared fsl and 
a rc file.

I installed "by hand", but fsl and rc do not work. I suppose they need 
registration which is done, when a RPM gets installed.

How to quickly build this type of binary RPM, which just consists of four 
files? I don't want to hack other files, just to start the daemon and to handle 
the syslog.

Thanks for your help
Dipl.-Inform. Birger Krägelin
Abteilungsleiter Netzwerke

Fraunhofer Institut für Informations-
und Datenverarbeitung IITB
Fraunhoferstr. 1
76131 Karlsruhe

Tel.: +49-721-6091-454
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