After a little experimenting, I found that adding these expressions to
the "shtool subst" modifications of the configure script in the %prep
section of gd.spec seem to be enough to remove the "automatic" discovery
of the XPM libs (at least under RHEL4):

        -e 's;[ \t]*/usr/X11R6/include;;g' \
        -e 's;[ \t]*/usr/include/X11;;g' \


On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 14:49 +0200, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008, steve muskiewicz wrote:
> > In OpenPKG CURRENT, there are a couple of issues with some of the options to
> > the gd package:
> >
> > If %option "with_fontconfig no", then you need to pass an explicit
> > --without-fontconfig to configure, or else it ends up linking to it if the
> > packages are found from the RHEL libs (/usr/lib) directory.
> Ok, --without-fontconfig now added.
> > Also I although I am specifying "with_xpm no" and can see that configure is
> > passing the "--without-xpm" option, if I run ldd on the gd binaries, I see 
> > that
> > they are still linked to the RHEL libraries for Xpm ( => 
> > /usr/X11R6/
> > lib/  Not sure what the proper fix for this would be...anyone 
> > have
> > any suggestions?
> Hmmm... perhaps an indirect dependency. In the build output I do not see
> that -lxpm is linked for me. But I'm not under RHEL...
>                                        Ralf S. Engelschall
>                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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