Dear Openpkg,
Finally getting the time to commence an upgrade of our Openpkg toolset
from version 3 to version 4.
Have done a successful build of the bootstrap package, but now running
into problems.
On running any openpkg command receive:
  openpkg:WARNING: invalid permissions on configuration file
"/secomon/openpkg-4/etc/openpkg/managers" -- ignoring file

The permissions on this file are:
  -rw-r--r--   1 mapp icmg      64 Jun 15 17:03

Openpkg was bootstrap with the following command:
  bash --prefix=/secomon/openpkg-4
--tag=openpkg --user=mapp --group=icmg --muid=6000 --mgid=6000
--rusr=rapp --nusr=napp --rgrp=icrg --ngrp=icng --ruid=6001 --nuid=6002
--rgid=6001 --ngid=6002
The usernames and groups are all pre-created (and the same as what we
used for openpkg version 3). The reason for this is as I don't have root
access to our servers and by having a consistent set of usernames and
id's I can get them pre-created on all systems prior to installation of
NOTE: I have 'changed' the real usernames and user id's (because I am
paranoid), but the essence is the same.
Other things of note:
/secomon/openpkg-4/bin/openpkg rpm -qa
openpkg:WARNING: invalid permissions on configuration file
"/secomon/openpkg-4/etc/openpkg/managers" -- ignoring file

NOTE: There is no openpkg package listed, just the gpg keys
Also, running:
/secomon/openpkg-4/bin/openpkg rc all env
openpkg:WARNING: invalid permissions on configuration file
"/secomon/openpkg-4/etc/openpkg/managers" -- ignoring file
openpkg:WARNING: invalid permissions on configuration file
"/secomon/openpkg-4/etc/openpkg/managers" -- ignoring file

Nothing is output besides the errors.
I am guessing something is 'dying' or being aborted inside the
sub-commands that openpkg runs, but I haven't been able to work out
what. Any hints on how to diagnose further?

Think B4U Print
1 ream of paper = 6% of a tree and 5.4kg CO2 in the atmosphere
3 sheets of A4 paper = 1 litre of water

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